Stream Rules

  • Be a cool nerd.

    If you have more info about a game I’m playing (i.e. you were a developer on the game or you’re a huge lore nerd), feel free to post about it! However, don’t be arrogant or mean about it. No one knows everything and we should always be learning from one another.

  • No hate.

    Respect everyone while you are here. Racism, sexism, ageism, xenophobia, ableism, LGBTQIA+phobia, or any sort of hate speech or shaming isn't allowed. Everyone (with the exception of bigots) is welcome here.

  • Chat like a responsible adult.

    I will keep my language PG to PG-13 (as I'm trying not to curse as much). However, there are no swearing filters in chat (with the exception of slurs or derogatory terms), so lurk and chat at your own risk.

  • No negging, bullying, or being creepy.

    I can be self-deprecating from time to time, but no negging, bullying, or complaining about my gameplay/channel rules/mod bot. Also, try to not be creepy (e.g. being overtly sexual) towards viewers or me. It really ruins the vibe.

  • English only please.

    While I love all languages and polyglots, please chat in English here. I can converse in Japanese, but since most of my audience speaks English, I want to keep it as inclusive as possible.

  • Limit typing huge paragraphs.

    I am dyslexic and I will likely have to stop playing to read your comment if you post a massive wall of text. The bot will likely catch extremely long paragraphs, but just a heads up to limit your chat message length.

  • No self-promotion.

    Please refrain from self-promotion here. I often give shout outs to great channels or friends, but I don't do well under social pressure from random people. It makes me nervous and ruins the vibe of the stream.

  • Say "Hi" to prove humanity.

    If you generously decide to follow, please say "hi" in chat! You can go back to lurking if you’re busy or shy!

Most rule violations will get a verbal warning or a timeout with a ban on the second violation (except hate speech, which is an automatic ban).